Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (2024)

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, April 25, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada.We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

On the last episode of Y&R, Kyle rescued Harrison, Victor captured Jordan, and Ashley’s latest alter-ego let loose.

Crimson Lights

Phyllis asks Nick why they haven’t heard anything about Harrison yet.

Nick says that no news is good news.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (2)

Phyllis thinks that’s a lie. Who are “they,” anyhow? She says that two “whack jobs” have Harrison, and there’s nothing they can do but sit around and wait!

Nick says he’d love nothing more than to go after Jordan himself.

Phyllis says Summer is heartbroken, not knowing if she’s going to see her son again.

Nick tells her not to say “if.”

Phyllis says her head is going to explode if she sits there any longer.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (3)

The Abbott Mansion

Diane walks downstairs and says she never expected to sleep so long… Jack should have woken her!

Jack says she was exhausted; he never had the heart to wake her. He tells her there’s news about Harrison, and it’s good news!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (4)

Jordan’s Motel Room

Kyle and Harrison hug tightly. Kyle tells his son he’s safe now.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (5)

Summer runs into the room and embraces Harrison, crying with happiness.

Kyle asks Harrison if he’s all alone; where’s Claire?

Harrison doesn’t know.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (6)

Kyle says he’s going to take a look around.

Summer tells Harrison that they can go outside… They never need to see this place again!

Harrison backs up warily. He says that the witch told him that his mommy and daddy didn’t want him anymore and gave him away to her.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (7)

The Tack House at the Newman Ranch

Victoria walks downstairs, smiling. She tells Cole she thought she smelled some cooking… It’s pretty impressive, especially since she didn’t think she had anything in the fridge!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (8)

Cole says there were enough ingredients to make some pasta and sauce.

Victoria tells him he doesn’t need to take care of her. She knows he’s suffering through this, too.

Cole says he didn’t just make it for her… He made a plate of it for himself! He’s staying busy and making sure she’s okay. He asks if she’s willing to give it a try.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (9)

The Newman House

Nikki paces around the living room, looking like she’s jonesing for a drink. She glances around furtively and pulls her flask out of her pocket but puts it away after a moment.

Victor walks in and sees the look on her face. He asks if she’s alright.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (10)

Nikki says he texted and told her there was news on Jordan. She asks what happened and why he wasn’t home when she got there.

Victor says he was in town… In a back alley.

Nikki asks what he was doing there.

Victor says he was following her.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (11)

Jordan’s Motel Room

Summer tells Harrison that Jordan told him a lie… His dad and mom love him, and he’s their entire world! She says he’s the best thing that ever happened to them, and he should never let anyone tell him any different. She says they’ve been searching for him from the moment that she took him. She hugs him close.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (12)

Harrison asks why Jordan said it.

Summer says she said it because she’s an evil person, and she wanted to hurt them, and she tried to hurt Harrison to do it. She says he’s safe now, and Jordan will never be able to get close to him again.

Harrison smiles and comes in for another hug.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (13)

Kyle walks in and says there’s no sign of Claire.

Summer scoffs. Are they surprised?

Kyle says they don’t know anything for sure.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (14)

Summer says someone else can deal with Jordan and Claire… She just wants to get Harrison home!

Kyle says the cops will be there any second; if Jordan comes back anytime soon, it’s over for her.

Summer says she hopes the police lock Jordan and Claire up and never let them out. She picks up Harrison and leaves.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (15)

The Tack House

Victoria tells Cole that the pasta is delicious. She asks when he learned to cook so well.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (16)

Cole says it’s been a while since they’ve been in each other’s orbits… He’s learned some things since then, and he imagines she has, too.

Victoria says it’s true, but she mostly learned some hard life lessons that she could’ve done without.

Cole says she’s come through it stronger, smarter, and resilient.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (17)

Victoria says she’s not feeling particularly strong today.

Cole hopes knowing she’s not alone helps.

Victoria says the pasta definitely helps.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (18)

Cole says he’s learned something else along the way… Never try to predict where life will take you! He would have never thought he would end up back in Genoa City with a grown daughter!

Victoria laughs and says it’s true; nobody could have predicted that. She says Claire is an amazing and wonderful gift. She asks Cole if Claire will be okay.

Cole says Claire has to be okay. They can’t have found her after all these years just to lose her again.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (19)

The Newman House

Nikki’s mad. She’s indignant that Victor followed her. She says it wasn’t necessary.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (20)

Victor says he had one of his men follow her, and it was necessary. When he found out she was planning to meet Jordan in an alley… What else was he supposed to do?

Nikki says he went behind her back and interfered with her plan. She says she’s the one Jordan hates, and she’s the one who has to end it!

Victor asks why she didn’t tell him about her plan.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (21)

Nikki says it’s because he would have done everything he could to talk her out of it.

Victor says of course he would have… She was putting herself in danger!

Nikki says it was worth it since this is her fault.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (22)

Victor asks what she means… What kind of nonsense is that? The only one to blame is “that Jordan broad!” He says Nikki’s as much of a victim as much as anyone is.

Nikki says she can fight for herself, but Harrison doesn’t have any hope against that beast. She says she went to meet Jordan, but it didn’t matter in the end because Jordan didn’t show up.

Victor says Jordan did show up.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (23)

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Diane that Kyle called and has a lead on Jordan. He explains that Kyle had greased someone’s palm at the diner, and they let him look at the security footage. The cameras had a clear view of Jordan’s car, and he’s combing the neighborhood for it now.

Diane says it’s too dangerous… Jordan is dangerous, and if Kyle confronts her, who knows what could happen!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (24)

Jack says he told Kyle not to act alone. He says Kyle already called Victor and both of their security teams are on it… Kyle assured him he wouldn’t act without backup.

Diane doesn’t think Kyle would wait for anyone else in order to save his son.

Jack says they need to pray he makes the right choice.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (25)

Diane says they need to go. Jack has the information; they can go and help find Harrison!

Jack shakes his head. He’s not putting Diane in danger.

Diane says she can’t sit there while her grandson is out there, terrified and confused.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (26)

Jack gives in. He says she’s right; the more eyes that are looking, the better. He grabs his keys as the front door opens.

Kyle, Harrison, and Summer walk in.

Harrison runs to his grandfather, who scoops him up in his arms, smiling. He hugs his grandmother, too.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (27)

Diane says she’s so glad he’s home; she might never let him go!

Jack asks if he’s hurt at all.

Summer says they looked him over from head to toe, and he looked perfect.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (28)

Harrison says the witch was mean and told him lies, but she never hurt him. He says his mommy told him that they were all looking for him.

Jack says they’re happy to have him home, and they were all looking for him!

Harrison says he’s glad to be home.He wants to go up to his room and spend some time with his toys.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (29)

Kyle tells him he’s safe now, and they’re never going to let anyone take him again.

Summer says she might just glue him to her for the rest of the night. She heads upstairs with Harrison.

Diane hugs Kyle. She’s thankful that Harrison is home and that Kyle found him.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (30)

Kyle says he found the car sooner than he expected.

Diane asks if he confronted Jordan alone.

Kyle says if he had, he would be in jail.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (31)

Diane says she’s glad it didn’t come to that.

Jack says he thought they’d agreed that Kyle wouldn’t take on Jordan by himself.

Kyle says he didn’t… He waited until Jordan drove off and then made his move.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (32)

Diane thinks it was risky and thinks Jordan could have set a trap or had an accomplice inside… Maybe it was Claire!

Kyle says none of that happened; he had to risk it! He knocked on the door and called out, and when Harrison responded, he broke down the door.

Diane asks if there was any sign of Claire.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (33)

Kyle says there was nothing. When he asked Harrison where she was, he said she didn’t know.

Jack is glad Kyle got Harrison out of the motel before Jordan returned. He asks about the police.

Kyle says the police got there when they were set to leave. He says they questioned them and then let them leave, but said there’d be more questions later. He wishes he could have seen Jordan before she got hauled away and locked in a cell where she belongs.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (34)

Crimson Lights

Phyllis tells Nick she has to call Summer. She can’t handle not knowing.

Nick tells her to put the phone down; the last thing their daughter needs is her mother in her ear! He tells her to give Summer the time she needs to handle it on her own. She’ll call when there’s news!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (35)

Phyllis can’t stand sitting around waiting.

Nick says there’s nothing for her to do. Victor, Jack, their respective security teams, and the police are on it. Something will happen soon!

Phyllis doesn’t believe it.

Nick says his dad and Jack will make it happen. He says that they could have accomplished a ton over the years if they worked together instead of against one another.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (36)

Phyllis says Nick should have told her about Jordan and Claire, “those two psychopaths.” He should have told her that Claire tried to poison him and his family and that she has a vendetta toward anyone who’s remotely connected to a Newman.

Nick says she knows now.

Phyllis says it doesn’t matter if she knows now; she could have done something to protect Harrison and their daughter!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (37)

Nick tells her to trust the process.

Phyllis says it drives her crazy when Nick does “his calm thing,” and the worst part is that he’s right. She feels so helpless and wants to do something to support Summer!

Nick says Summer knows they love her and support her, otherwise she would have never confided in them about Harrison. They’ll be Summer’s first phone call when she needs them, and they’ll be ready for it.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (38)

The Newman House

Nikki questions Victor about Jordan… She showed up? He saw her in the alleyway?

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (39)

Victor says that thanks to some security footage, Kyle’s tenacity paid off, and he found the motel where Jordan was staying. Kyle saw Jordan leave the motel, and he went searching for Claire and Harrison. Victor hopes to hear some good news about it soon.

Nikki asks about Jordan; is she back in custody?

Victor says she isn’t… Jordan is dead.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (40)

Nikki sits down, shocked. Jordan is dead? How did it happen?

Victor says Jordan saw him and his team approaching. She panicked and tried to run away across a bridge, but she slipped and fell over the side of the bridge.

Nikki figures that Jordan must have drowned if that were the case… Is Victor sure she’s dead?

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (41)

Victor says there’s no way Jordan could have survived a 100ft plunge into a dark river. She probably died on impact!

Nikki hopes she is dead, but she won’t be convinced until they dredge the river and she sees proof with her own eyes.

Victor says the police and his team are searching right now, but he has the feeling that Jordan has met the ending she deserves.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (42)

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Crimson Lights

Phyllis asks Nick if he remembers when Summer became an “instant mom.” She got married and gained a child on the same day. That was the day that Phyllis became a granny!

Nick grins and says she said it, not him.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (43)

Phyllis laughs and says it made her a super-hot granny. She wasn’t sure their wild child could handle becoming a mother.

Nick says he was worried as well. Their daughter is headstrong, got in trouble, stole cars, married inappropriate guys, and acted out… Though she always believed she was in the right.

Phyllis nods. Even when she was wrong.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (44)

Nick says Summer learned a lot and grew up.

Phyllis says she’s handling it like a pro.

Nick says Summer is freaked out about Harrison being kidnapped, but she’s kept a level head through it so she could be strong for when he comes home.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (45)

Phyllis asks Nick for assurance that Harrison will be coming home.

Nick nods and reassures her that he’ll be home soon. The only way this story ends is with a happy ending!

Their phones both ping with notifications.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (46)

The Newman House

Nikki says Kyle must have found Harrison and Claire if he found Jordan’s hideout… Shouldn’t they have heard something from him already?

Victor’s phone rings; it’s Jack. He answers and asks if Jack has good news for him.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (47)

Jack tells him that he does… Harrison is home!

Victor says that’s wonderful news. He tells Nikki that Harrison is home and asks Jack about Claire.

Jack says Kyle hadn’t seen any sign of Claire at the motel. He says the police are at the motel, but Jordan hasn’t returned yet; they won’t be able to get the answers they need until she does return.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (48)

Victor says Jordan won’t be returning… She’s dead. He explains that Jordan tried to escape and fell over the side of the Galewood river bridge.

Jack says it sounds like justice might have been served. He says to let him know if they need anything to help find Claire.

Victor agrees and thanks Jack. He disconnects the call.

Nikki says she’s glad Harrison is home; she can’t wait to give him a hug! She wonders where Claire is… Where do they look for her? She says Jordan took those answers with her.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (49)

The Tack House

Victoria and Cole finish eating. Victoria says she’ll clean up. She can’t handle waiting anymore… She feels like she’s going to jump out of her skin!

Cole asks if she wants to head to the main house and wait there.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (50)

Victoria shakes her head. She says this is Claire’s home, and even though she might not have had a chance to get used to it, she wants to be there if Claire walks through the door. She asks Cole if she’s being irrational.

Cole says she isn’t; their daughter is smart and resourceful, and knows Jordan better than anyone. He knows Claire is doing everything she can to protect Harrison and get them both back home safely!

Victoria says he’s right; Claire is strong, kind, and warm to everyone… Why doesn’t everyone see it? She says that’s another reason she doesn’t want to go to the main house… Summer will be there, and Summer thinks Claire has something to do with Harrison’s disappearance.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (51)

Cole says he disagrees with Summer, but people jump to conclusions in the heat of the moment.

Victoria says Summer thinks Claire is a deranged kidnapper.

Cole says it’s because Summer is a mother, and she’s afraid, just like Victoria is. He knows Harrison and Claire will come home safely.

Victoria hopes he’s right. She says they should have heard something by now, though. She runs over and looks at her phone hopefully, but there’s nothing.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (52)

Crimson Lights

Phyllis looks at pictures of Harrison on her phone and fawns over them, saying he looks so sweet and healthy, snuggled up in his bed and surrounded by his favorite toys.

Nick says it was nice of Summer to send those pictures to them. She must have known they needed to see it. He says Summer has said that Harrison needs some time alone.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (53)

Phyllis says they should go there and see them… They wouldn’t bother them!

Nick says Summer said she’ll call them when Harrison is ready for visitors. He says it took everything in him not to go and track Jordan down himself.

Phyllis grins. So everything Nick said about staying calm and letting Victor handle things… What was that?

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (54)

Nick says it was just him talking to himself. He says it’s a good thing Phyllis was there.

Phyllis says that’s nice to hear… She was the voice of reason for him?

Nick laughs. Sure, they’ll go with that. He says Jordan had better end up in prison for what she’s done, or he’ll hunt her down and make sure she never hurts his family again.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (55)

The Abbott Mansion

Summer walks downstairs and says that Harrison is exhausted. He’s happy to be in his own bed with his toys. She says he’s been through a lot, but he seems to be physically okay.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (56)

Kyle says they’re getting him checked out by a pediatrician tomorrow, just in case.

Summer says she’s worried about the emotional toll that Harrison suffered… She can’t believe that “that demon” told Harrison his parents didn’t want him anymore and gave him away.

Jack says Jordan is pure evil.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (57)

Summer says she had to explain that they loved him and that they were looking for him the whole time.

Kyle wonders what kind of monster tortures a child like that.

Jack says Victor told him that it’ll never happen again; Jordan is dead.

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Summer, Diane, and Kyle are shocked. How? When?

Jack tells them that Victor’s men chased her and she plunged to her death from the Galeward river bridge.

Summer says she’s glad she’s dead. She hopes she rots in hell for what she did to Harrison. She says it’s not over yet, though… Is Claire still on the loose?

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (59)

The Newman House

Nikki wonders if Jordan got ahold of Claire and made her an unwilling accomplice… Maybe Claire ran off to avoid arrest.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (60)

Victor shakes his head. He says he saw the joy in Claire’s eyes when she realized she was a real part of the Newman family, and there’s no way she would stand against them.

Nikki wonders where Claire is, then… What did Jordan do to her?

Victor says he doesn’t know, but they’ll find out.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (61)

Nikki wonders when it will end… They’re finally free of Jordan, yet they’re still in the nightmare, which is just what Jordan wanted! She asks how they’re going to tell Victoria and Cole that Claire wasn’t found with Harrison.

Victor says it’s simple… They’ll go to the tack house and tell them!

Nikki sighs and says finding Claire is the priority… She’ll tell them.

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Victor tells Nikki not to do anything like meeting Jordan without telling him first… She can’t just go meet a woman like that in a dark alley! He says even though she should have told him, it was courageous of her and showed guts! He realizes that if she hadn’t planned to meet Jordan, Kyle would never have found Harrison, because Jordan left Harrison alone in the motel to go meet Nikki. He says Nikki is responsible for Harrison’s rescue.

Nikki hopes that Claire is safe as well.

Victor hugs her. He says Jordan will never hurt her again, and they’ll find Claire… He promises.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (63)

The Abbott Mansion

Jack says that Victor’s men haven’t had any updates on Claire; there have been no sightings at all.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (64)

Summer says Claire is as guilty as Jordan is… She needs to be caught and punished!

Jack says they don’t know that Claire was involved in the kidnapping.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (65)

Summer asks how they can believe that… Claire and Jordan are obviously working together!

Kyle says he asked Harrison about Claire, and Harrison never blamed her or said anything against her.

Summer says it’s because Harrison was terrified and barely spoke at all. Claire might have threatened him to stay quiet!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (66)

Jack says they should all take it slowly until they get the facts.

Summer says the facts are that Claire befriended Harrison and made him trust her. Claire is mentally unwell! She tried to kill Summer’s grandparents, her father, and her aunt! Claire was the one upstairs alone with Harrison when they both disappeared! She believes Claire is just as guilty as Jordan.

Kyle says he saw Jordan drive away alone from the motel. Claire wasn’t with her, and Claire wasn’t in the motel.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (67)

Jack says that the demands came from Claire’s phone, but they were only about Jordan’s safety and Jordan getting out of the country. There was no mention of Claire.

Summer says that doesn’t prove anything. If Claire was a victim in this, why wasn’t she locked up with Harrison?

Diane says she doesn’t want to think about it, but it’s possible that Jordan did something to harm Claire.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (68)

Kyle nods. It’s a possibility. He says Harrison was a means to an end for Jordan, allowing her to get money and freedom, but Jordan groomed Claire for years, and in the end, Jordan probably felt that Claire had betrayed her by becoming part of the Newman family.

The doorbell rings, and Jack answers. It’s Phyllis and Nick, and Jack invites them in.

Phyllis and Nick embrace Summer and ask where Harrison is.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (69)

Summer says Harrison was asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

Harrison calls down from upstairs. “Mommy! Daddy!”

Summer and Kyle rush up the stairs.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (70)

The Tack House

Victoria and Cole answer the door. It’s Nikki. Victoria hugs her mother, thankful she’s alright. She asks if Nikki went to meet Jordan.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (71)

Nikki says that doesn’t matter… What matters is that Harrison is home safely.

Victoria is happy to hear about Harrison and asks about Claire.

Nikki says they don’t know where Claire is.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (72)

The Newman Wine Cellar

Victor inspects some bottles of wine. He turns around and smiles. “Are you settling in?”

Jordan is sitting, chained up in a cell in the basem*nt.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (73)
Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (74)

The Abbott Mansion

Kyle walks back down the stairs and says Harrison had a nightmare, and it probably won’t be his last one.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (75)

Phyllis says she could kill Jordan.

Jack says it’s too late for that.

Nick asks what he means.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (76)

Jack says he hasn’t spoken to his father… Jordan is dead, she went over the edge of the Galewood river bridge.

Nick says it’s good news, but he’ll need to see a body before he believes it.

Phyllis says she has words for Claire, too.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (77)

Jack says they have no information on Claire’s whereabouts.

Diane says all that matters to her is that Harrison is home safe.

Phyllis tells Kyle that he was a hero today.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (78)

Summer and Harrison walk down the stairs.

Phyllis fawns over Harrison and tells him he was brave; she’s proud of him!

Kyle asks Harrison what his dream was about.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (79)

Harrison says he dreamed about the witch lady… She was mean!

Kyle says Jordan will never be able to hurt him again.

Summer nods. “And neither will Claire!”

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (80)

Harrison says Claire never hurt him… The witch hurt Claire!

Summer asks what he means.

Harrison says that Claire is in trouble; they have to save her!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (81)

The Tack House

Victoria bursts into tears when Nikki tells her that nobody knows where Claire is.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (82)

Nikki says they’ll find her; Victor’s security team is doing everything they can!

Victoria worries that Jordan might have hurt Claire or trapped her somewhere that she can’t escape from. Maybe she even killed her!

Nikki tells Victoria she can’t think that.

Victoria says Jordan was furious at Claire for becoming part of the Newman family.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (83)

Cole says Nikki’s right; until they have more information, they have to expect that Claire will come home.

Victoria wonders how they’ll find Claire if Jordan is dead and can’t tell them where she is. Her phone rings; it’s an unknown caller. She answers.

The call is garbled, but Claire’s voice can be heard. “Mom!”

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (84)

The Newman Wine Cellar

Jordan spits out that Victor is a bastard.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (85)

Victor grins and says he’s been called worse.

Jordan yells for help.

Victor tells her she can yell all she wants… Nobody will ever hear her! He saw to that years ago!

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (86)

Jordan says he can’t do this to her.

Victor says he can… And he has. There’s no way out for her, no poison to take, and no fire to set. The only way she’ll ever get out is through Victor. He tells her to tell him where to find his granddaughter.

Jordan laughs in disbelief.

Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (87)

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Y&R Recap - Thu Apr 25: Victor Claims Jordan is Dead but She's Locked in a Cell in His Basem*nt; Claire Calls Her Parents in a Desperate Plea for Help (2024)
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